Dena Furlow of Keller Williams is in desperate need of monetary donations for her wonderful cause - here is what she is doing for this holiday I ask that you all consider helping her out.
This year, for Christmas, I would like to bring joy to children's lives that may not have such a Merry Christmas this year. I have found SOS Children's Villages in Lockport and they need my help. You see, I don't want to help just one child, or 5, or 10, I want to help provide Christmas for all 70 children living at the Village, and I believe with your help, we CAN do it!
Contact me at 630-742-4374, 815-556-8734, or email me at furlow@kw.com. We have the children's Wish Lists. You and your family can help in the following ways:
* Help us by giving your time
* Help us by giving monetarily
* Help us by wrapping presents
* Help us by giving the gifts personally
I am truly blessed and honored to be a part of this project with SOS Children's Villages ~ I believe in the power of giving of ourselves, of our time, of our energy, and of our love. Join me in making dreams come true for some beautiful neighbors ~ I hope You See What I See! DENA FURLOW
This is a hard time financially for all of us however there are other ways to help as you see giving of your time is just as important. God Bless all of you and may 2009 bring you health and happiness to you and your families.
If you have a volunteer need or know someone who might need assistance this holiday please e-mail me at leslie@lovetopromote.com we would love to put your information on this blog so that others may be able to help.
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