Monday, January 12, 2009


MACS is a wonderful organization that our family has recently become involved with it only takes a stamp and a few moments of your time to become involved.  I will post updates or you can go directly to their website to learn more...

Meet Haven!

Hello to all,

Meet Haven!
She is 4½ years old and has Ganglioneuroblastoma.
Please read her story and send lots and lots of cards & gifts to brighten her day!
NOTE: Haven’s Birthday is coming up, on the 26th!



Don’t forget to send Birthday Cards to all upcoming Birthday Kids.
Visit the Current Kids page and sort the “Birthdate” column.
And please always remember our Angels too.
Parents of our Angel Kids also do appreciate the remembrance of their child’s Birthday, other than the Anniversary of their passing.

Thank you,
Alexandra Bakker
Founder & President
Make A Child Smile Organization

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year

Hoping that you all had a wonderful Holiday and a safe New Year.

As 2009 gets started I reflect on how fast 2008 went. It is amazing how much can get accomplished in a year, the goals we achieve, the people we are able to help, and the lessons that we have learned in one year. A lot can be achieved when we all work together.

We have a lot planned already for this year. Here are a few ideas we have come up with and would love to see if any of you are interested in helping us out...

Start a Blanket Drive for Warm Wishes Organization in honor of Valentines Day (Feb 14th) For more information on how to start your own blanket drive go to Warm Wishes Or to contribute to our Plainfield IL Blanket Drive feel free to e-mail me at:

April 22nd is Earth Day - Here are a few ideas for you and your children to get involved.

For more info go to Earth Day Network

Save Energy by switching your
Inefficient Incandescent Light Bulbs!

Every day is Earth Day. ~Author Unknown

Adopt A Park or Pond With Your Family and Friends

On April 22nd gather everyone you know and choose a local park or pond
grab some garbage bags, rakes, gloves, and help to get that area clean.
You can commit to just this one day or once a month. Teaching your children that we are all responsible for keeping our Earth clean!

These were just a few ideas we had for our family this year. We would love to hear what ideas you have feel free to e-mail us with any events that you want our Blog readers to know about. I hear that SOS Children's Village was a great success we are pleased that so many people were able to help such a worthy cause.

Wishing you all a Happy 2009 keep coming back to our Blog for more Volunteer info!
Leslie Prohaska & Family