Monday, October 27, 2008

How This Blog Got Started

I was given a letter by a neighbors child - Coat Collection for the homeless.  I was excited I ran through the house looking for coats then I started realizing each year we do something with the kids around the holidays and I wanted to see if there were any can food drives going on like when we were young or any volunteer opportunities locally.

So, I went online and finding myself somewhat computer literate did a Google search and found nothing locally going on except two things.  Well then I went to church the following Sunday and wouldn't you know the sermon that Sunday was on Serving!  I tried to listen intently and what I got out of it is that we are all capable of making the world a better place we don't have to be perfect or rich or even in a high leadership position to make a difference. 

So why the blog?
I became frustrated with my Google search so I figured why don't I simplify it for others as well as myself create one place where people could go to get fresh ideas on how to teach our families how to volunteer, where to volunteer and what is needed locally.  What a way to serve!!

Join me in my mission to spread the word about volunteering...

Share your ideas about how you and your family like to serve or what you would like to do this year to make a difference.  Remember it's not only the big things you do in life that count - from one seed a whole tree of opportunities can grow. 

Keep coming back to this Blog as it too will continue to flourish with ideas and through those ideas we can make things happen!!

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